Thanks for returning my laptop, Daddy. When yours broke I was so happy to help you out and lend you mine. I really didn’t mind, not a bit. I was interested in what you were doing for work and I looked through my computer and discovered something very interesting. Are you OK? You look a little flushed. Well, I looked through the internet history and found this website with all these young female dommes. Did you go there? You did? All those girls on that website being brats and getting all they want from weak men like you. Well, I’m like that. Why pay some girl on the internet all that money when you can pay ME to humiliate you. LOL! You don’t want me to tell mom, right? So be a good boy, Daddy, and do as I say. You’re my little bitch.
Includes findom, femdom pov, financial domination, mental domme, pay slave, cock tease, ass worship, female supremacy, brat princess.
0:09:18 | 1280×720 | mov | 406Mb
Princess Rene – Bad Dad
Includes findom, femdom pov, financial domination, mental domme, pay slave, cock tease, ass worship, female supremacy, brat princess.
0:09:18 | 1280×720 | mov | 406Mb
Princess Rene – Bad Dad
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