
Red MILF Productions – Mother Gives Me Blue Balls Full Doggystyle, HD Porn


Dallas had always taken great pleasure in mothering her son, Joe. Now that he had grown into a virile young man, her love for him had taken a taboo turn. Having already taught and guided him in a great many things, she had started to fantasize about initiating him into the world of sex and loving. She could see Joe was inexperienced when it came to women, and she did not want him to be hurt or taken advantage of. Despite the kinkiness of her intentions, she never felt a shred of guilt. Hers was an incredibly horny and open-minded nature. And it was not long before she got the chance to act. It began one afternoon when Joe came home from school and went straight up to his room. Dallas sensed something was wrong and decided to follow him and find out the cause. After knocking on his door, she stepped inside. She was clad in a pretty summer dress with a plunging neckline that showed off plenty of skin and cleavage. Joe lay on his bed, looking very sad. Dallas came over and sat at his side. Using all her motherly sweetness, she asked her son to tell her what was wrong. Joe duly did so – explaining that he had just broken up with his girlfriend. Dallas showed her son plenty of sympathy and support. She told him he was special, and insisted he put his foolish ex-girlfriend out of mind. She was clearly a fool, and not worth thinking about. Joe agreed to follow his mother’s advice. He practically worshipped her. Dallas then suggested she give him a massage and to ease his obvious tension. Before long she had gone from innocently rubbing his feet and stomach to pulling down his pants to expose his cock. Joe grew nervous and confused, but he did not resist his mother. She had a psychological hold over him, and the attention she paid him was very pleasant. In any case, Dallas herself would not be stopped. She got one look at her son’s big hard cock, and took it eagerly in hand. Nothing was going to get in the way of her enjoying it. Expertly she stroked up and down its long, thick length. All the while Joe groaned, and his body strained. He could not believe what his mother was doing to him. From her once-innocent lips came endless dirty comments about what a naughty mommie she was. Joe had never even gotten to first base with his ex-girlfriend. Now he was experiencing something beyond his wildest imaginings. Dallas was only too pleased to see how she was effecting her son. Dipping her head down, she opened her mouth and started sucking him off.
0:21:49 | 1280×720 | avi | 749Mb
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